Wednesday 10 November 2010

Audience Theory

Our Target Audience Profile is split into three sections: Geographic, Demographic and Psychographic.

Content is applicable to a global audience, due to lack of reference to specific locations in the area of filming (Birmingham, UK).

Age; 18-30: Certain level of maturity required to understand themes of alcoholism, suicide etc.
Gender: More male-orientated but still applicable to females. Themes may be more commonly associated with the male gender group. Psychographic profile of individuals must also be considered though, some females may identify with the concepts more than some males.
Family: Those with family may have a better understanding of relationships, how they work and their effects, giving these individuals a better understanding of the negative effects of relationships as depicted in the video.
Education: Should be educated enough to understand the themes of alcoholism, relationships, suicide etc. shown in the video. A College (up to 18) education could be seen as the minimum required to truly understand what's going on.
Social Class/Occupation:
Directly linked? Unemployed or lower class people may be able to identify with video's focus through experience more so than upper classes.

'Drifters': Indecisiveness, not sure what they want. Could be cause of the situation the man is in?
'Cynics': Want to have something to complain about. Many may complain about/disagree with concept of suicide or alcohol abuse.
'Drop Outs': Shun all commitment. Could be another cause of the man's woes, e.g. lack of commitment to his family may have cause their leaving? Lack of commitment to a job led to pile up of bills?

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